HTN tx

Lifestyle modifications are recommended for all patients whose blood pressure falls within the prehypertension range and everyone with intermittent or sustained hypertension. These modifications include weight loss, dietary changes, restricted alcohol use and cigarette smoking, increased physical activity, and stress reduction. Dietary approaches to managing hypertension focus on reducing sodium intake, maintaining adequate potassium and calcium intakes, and reducing total and saturated fat intake. The DASH diet has proven beneficial effects in lowering blood pressure. Regular exercise reduces blood pressure and contributes to weight loss, stress reduction, and feelings of overall well-being. Previously sedentary patients are encouraged to engage in aerobic exercise for 30 to 45 minutes per day most days of the week. Isometric exercise, such as weight training, may not be appropriate, as it can raise the systolic blood pressure.

Hypertension management focuses on reducing the blood pressure to less than 140 mmHg systolic and 90 mmHg diastolic. The ultimate goal of hypertension management is to reduce cardiovascular and renal morbidity and mortality. The risk of cardiovascular complications decreases when the average blood pressure is less than 140/90; when the patient also has diabetes or renal disease, the treatment goal is a blood pressure less than 130/80.

1 comment

Florence said...

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