Hypertension Manifestations

Primary HTN:
  • Asymptomatic, marked only by elevated BP. Elevated BP are intitially transient but eventually become transient.
  • Vague symptoms, headache usually in the back of the head and neck, may be present on awakening, subsiding during the day.
  • nocturia, confuson, n/v and visual disturbance.

Sustained HTN:
- affects the cardiovascular, neurologic and renal systems
- workload of left ventricle increases, leading to ventricular hypertrophy, w/c then increases the risk for HF, CHD and dysrhythmias.
- accelerated atherosclerosis increases risk for cerebral infarction (stroke).

Modifiable Risk Factors:
- High sodium intake
- low K, Ca, and Mg intake
- obesity
- excess alcohol consumption
- insulin resistance
Nonmodifiable Risk Factors:
- genetic
- family hx
- age
- race

1 comment

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