Dyslipidemia Pharmacology

Management of Dyslipidemia:
  • Maintain optimal chlolesterol, LDL, triglyceride and HDL levels
    • Total Cholesterol : <200
    • LDL: <100
    • Triglycerides: <150
    • HDL: >40 for men; >50 for women
  • Diet/Exercise: increase fiber and complex carbs. DASH diet, 30 minutes exercise most days of weeks. 
  • Good for you: vit. B, C, E, red wine, grape juice, bioflavonoids, garluc, cucumin, gingko biloba

Drug class
Side effects & considerations
Statins (“-statin”)
Reduces LDL synthesis in liver
Muscle breakdown; liver dysfunction; fatigue; abdominal discomfort. Unsafe in pregnancy.
Bile acid sequestrants
Cholestyramine (Questran)
Binds with bile acids in intestine; reduces cholesterol reabsorption from intestine

GI side effects; constipation; power mixes with liquid; take with adequate fluid
Cholesterol absorption inhibitors: ezetimibe (Zetia)
Blocks absorption of cholesterol from food in small intestine
Elevated liver enzymes, gallbladder/pancreatic dysfunction

1 comment

Florence said...

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