
Derived from fungus
Interferes w/ cell wall synthesis
Similar to PCN but resistant to beta-lactamase enzyme
Potential cross-allergy in those w/ PCN allergies. The nurse should administer the medication and carefully observe for allergic reaction.
  • Prototype: Cefaclor, Cefazolin
    • Interaction w/ alcohol, probenicid (treats gout) (decreases excretion of ceph; raises level of drug)
    • Interaction w/ erythromycin will produce a decrease in the action of the Cefaclor.
    • Side effects: GI (anorexia, nausea, vomiting), headache, dizziness, itching, rash, increased blood clotting time, nephrotoxicity
    • Monitor renal and hepatic function, vital signs, urine output; monitor for superinfections

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