Test 2 outline for respiratory meds

  • Anticholinergic: ipatropium(atrovent), itotropium(spiriva)
    • first line unless contraindicated, dry mouth is the side effect
  • Beta-2 agonist: albuterol, levalbuterol
    • work faster than anticholinergic, best for emergencies, stimulate CNS is the side effects
  • Methylxantines: Theodur, it also increases mucociliary action
    • side effects: toxicity possible, n/v, seizures, insomnia
 Corticosteroids: decrease inflammation, increase sensitivity to cathecolamines
  • Systemic: Prednisone, Hydrocortisone, Methylprednisolone
    • Many side effects such as hyperglcemia,infection, tachycardia, easy bruising, weight gain
  • Inhaled: fluticasone, beclamethasone
    • for COPD maintenance, less side effects than systemic; rinse mouth after each use to prevent oral thrush
  • 1st generation: Benadryl; sedating, drowsiness, dry mouth
  • 2nd generation: Claritin, Allegra; less sedating than 1st gen
Mucolytics: decrease thickness of mucous i.e Mucinex

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