
Chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) & vomiting center in brain

  • Benadryl, Antivert, Dramamine
    • also effective on motion sickness
    • decrease SLUDGE (salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, GI distress, emesis), drowsiness
    • Best taken 30 minutes before travel

Dopamine antagonists: Phenothiazines
  • Phenergan -- oral, IV, rectal; 
    • EPS side effects; drowsiness, 
    • must be diluted prior to IV administration (> or = 10mL); 
    • sleep and fall precaution; 
    • Phenergan should be administered with caution to a client who has a history of hypertension.
  • Reglan -- stimulate peristalsis

Serotonin Receptor Antagonists
  • Zofran -- can be used prophylactically(prevention) or for acute n/v; 
    • PO or IV; 
    • pre-surgery, during surgery, post-surgery

  • Marinol -- for N/V associated with chemo & for appetite stimulation in AIDS patients
    • Side effects: impaired cognition, drowsiness, euphoria, dry mouth

ALL: absence of n/v determines effectiveness

1 comment

Florence said...

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