Metabolic Alkalosis treatment

Possible cause: gastric suctioning, vomiting, anorexia, ingestion of bicarbonate (Alka-seltzer, Soda Bicarbonate)
Decrease Cl = Increase CHO3
Give Cl to reverse the result
  • Potassium Chloride (KCl)
  • Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
    • Potassium restores serum and intracellular K levels
    • Chloride promotes renal  excretion of Bicarbonate
    • NaCl, restore fluid volume deficits that can contribute to metabolic alkalosis
  • Severe alkalosis, an acidifying solution such as Ammonium Chloride may be administered.
  • Treat underlying cause
  • Priority: impaired gas exchange / hypoxemia
  • May lead to hypokalemia and hypovolemia

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