Metabolic Acidosis Treatment

  • Sodium Bicarbonate - alkalinizing solutions to reduce the effect of the acidosis on cardiac function.
    • IV for acute
    • PO for chronic
  • Treat underlying cause:
    • DKA - insulin and fluids
    • ETOH acidosis - glucose and saline
    • Lactic Acidosis - treat underlying cause and improve tissue perfusion
    • Renal failure 
    • Diarrhea - fluid and electrolyte replacement
  • Monitor for decrease CO because of metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia
  • Monitor lab values, ABG, electrolytes, creatinine and BUN for renal
  • Monitor for dysrhytmias
  • further decrease CO intensify acidosis
  • As PH falls, mental functioning declines leading to confusion, stupor and decreasing LOC
May lead to hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis if bicarbonate is not watch closely. Can also cause hypernatremia, hyperosmolarity and hypervolemia.

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