Respiratory Acidosis treatment

  • Bronchodilator, to open the airway
  • Antibiotics, to treat respiratory infection
  • Naloxone (Narcan)m antidote for excess narcotics or anesthesia
  • Respiratory support, may require intubation and mechanical ventilation to improve gas exchange and alveolar ventilation
  • Hydrate up to 3000 mL/day
  • Breathing tx, percussion, vibration, postural drainage as ordered
  • Lower PaCO2 slowly to avoid complication i.e cardiac dysrhytmia and cerebral perfusion
  • Administer O2 cautiously
    • COPD - O2 narcosis
    • Teach pursed lip breathing
  • Monitor for respiratory depression.
  • Restoring effective alveolar ventilation and gas exchange is the priority.

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